
School of Religion to host Eschatology Service


Lee University’s School of Religion will host a special Eschatology service on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. in Pangle Hall, located at Lee’s Church Street Annex.

Lee faculty Drs. Daniela Augustine, Michael Fuller, Mark Proctor, and Christopher “Crip” Stephenson will present four brief sermonettes on end-times scripture and themes.

Dr. Wayne Solomon, assistant professor of religion and sociology at Lee, will lead a special time of prayer, and the Lee University Campus Choir will provide music.

“I hope everyone will gather with us as we celebrate the soon appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” said Proctor. “We will sing traditional hymns about our great eschatological hope, hear solid teaching about what will happen at the end of time, and join in prayer for the needs of God’s people.”


Augustine is an assistant professor of theological ethics at Lee and currently teaches courses in religion and culture, ethics, and theology. Prior to teaching at Lee, she taught at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, the European Theological Seminary, and Charles University in Prague. She is the co-founder of the Bulgarian Theological College and served as a Church of God missionary to Bulgaria for 11 years and in the Czech Republic for seven years. She earned her doctorate from the University of South Africa, a master’s of divinity from the Church of God Theological Seminary, and a master’s and bachelor’s from the University of International and Domestic Economics of Bulgaria.

Fuller, a professor of Biblical studies at Lee, currently teaches introductory courses in both the Old and New Testament and upper level courses in such areas as the Book of Revelation, Early Judaism and the Synoptic Gospels. He regularly teaches in the religion graduate program as well, including courses in Contemporary Hermeneutics, the Historical Jesus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Early Jewish and Christian Apocalpyticism. He earned his doctorate from the University of Durham, his master’s from Princeton Seminary, and his bachelor’s from Lee University.

Proctor is an assistant professor of New Testament at Lee. He previously taught Biblical studies and philosophy at Houston Baptist University for more than six years. While Proctor specializes in synoptic gospels research, he is also interested in Pauline studies and Biblical languages. He earned his doctorate in religious studies from Baylor University, his master’s from Marquette University, and his bachelor’s from Evangel University.

Stephenson is an assistant professor of systematic theology. He is the author of “Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit.” He has also published articles in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Pneuma, Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Religion Compass, and Istina. He earned his doctorate in theology and ethics from Marquette University, and his master’s and bachelor’s from Lee University.

For more information please contact Proctor at [email protected] or (423) 303-5090.

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