
Opera Theatre to Present a Musical Revue  

Events, Music, News

Scene from Musical Revue 2022The Lee University Opera Theatre, directed by James Frost, will present its annual Musical Revue in the Squires Recital Hall on Sunday, Nov. 12 at 3 p.m.  

The performance, which is the final project of Lee’s Opera Theatre class in the Fall semester, will include various scenes and solos spanning the Musical Theatre repertoire from the Golden Age to the more recent productions.  

The performance allows every participant of the Opera Theatre to sing at least one solo role in one of the scenes and includes some solo numbers, giving them the opportunity to expand as a solo performer.  

“The participants of each scene are challenged to stage their own scene with help from myself and the other participants, which is a great learning tool, using their own creative impulses,” said Frost, associate professor of music at Lee.      

Opera Theatre, directed by Frost, was started in the spring of 1998 by the now retired professor, Tony Deaton, as a workshop and has grown into a production organization performing a Musical Revue in the fall semester, a fully staged opera from both standard and less traditional repertoire in February, and an opera scenes program during the spring semester.  

For more information about Lee’s Opera Theatre, contact Frost at [email protected]

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