We are always thrilled when transfer students choose Lee University. We want to provide resources to make this transition the best experience possible. Below you will find general information about some of these resources, and we look forward to more personally assisting you when you arrive to campus.
During New Student Orientation, transfer students will be introduced to the team of Transfer Student Leaders and the Office of First-Year Programs staff. At this time, you will have the opportunity to connect with a specific Transfer Student Leader and a group of new transfer students who can serve as a point of connection throughout your first semester and beyond. The Office of First-Year Programs and Transfer Student Leaders also host various informational sessions and social events for all transfer students throughout the year. Transfer Student Leaders can serve as a valuable source of help and support during the transition to Lee University.
Make sure to stop by the NSO Check-In on Friday, August 16, in the Science & Math Complex (corner of North Ocoee Street and Billy Graham Avenue). You will receive additional information about the orientation weekend and will learn the next steps for your transition into life at Lee. For more information on New Student Orientation, click here
For transfer students in the fall semester, we offer LEEU-201: Transfer Gateway Seminar, which provides a connection point for transfer students, seeks to help students successfully transition to a new institutional culture, and focuses more specifically on the challenges and experiences transfer students might have. Transfer students entering with less than 16 credit hours or on academic probation will be required to take an orientation seminar course and are encouraged to take LEEU-201 instead of LEEU-101. Transfer students entering with 16 credit hours or more are encouraged to take this orientation seminar course, though it is not required. This course will acquaint students with the core values of Lee University, introduce students to resources that will contribute to their academic and social success, and will include current transfer students who serve as teaching assistants.
Service-learning is a key aspect of the student experience at Lee University. On the Sunday of NSO weekend, all new students will participate in Deke Day by serving at various locations in the Cleveland area. This service event will also give you a head start on your service-learning graduation requirement. Transfer students are required to complete the equivalent of ten hours of service for each semester that they are enrolled at Lee. Your Transfer Student Leader and the Office of First-Year Programs can help you connect with service projects led by transfer students or with other service opportunities. If you have specific questions about the service-learning program, you can email the Leonard Center at [email protected] or contact your Transfer Student Leader.
Admissions Office
(423) 614-8500
[email protected]
Office of First-Year Programs
(423) 614-8623
[email protected]
Office of First-Year Programs
(423) 614-6000
[email protected]