Internships in the School of Theology & Ministry are well-designed, guided, learning field experiences within a church, ministry, or other previously approved site under the direction of trained faculty and experienced staff members at the internship site.  The primary focus is “hands on training” in the area of the student’s major.  While some internships might be for the student a “watch us while we do”, our internship models are designed to give you actual training in your area of major, utilizing your classroom academic training.   It is the “best of both worlds”; it is “theory” + “practice”.  We call this “Praxis”, the integration of theory and practice. Typical internships are eight to ten weeks in duration. Forms for students to apply for an internship or for churches to submit an application to host an internship are located among the resources at the bottom of this page.

LAB Churches

These are a small select group of churches in the Cleveland, TN area that have entered into partnership with Lee STM, to provide a great internship experience locally.

HUB Churches/Ministries

These are churches/ministries outside the Cleveland area where substantive partnerships have been arranged. It is possible the student can spend as little as 8 weeks or an entire semester at one of these “hubs”, depending on the student’s internship goals. There are no differences in a “Lab Church” internship and “Hub” internship other than location.


Student Application

All students are required to complete/submit this application one semester prior to the intended internship date.View Student Application

Church Application

Church applications are completed by the local church/ministry and available for the student to scan sites to narrow their choices of internship locations. View Church Application

Internship Manual

A manual designed primarily for churches to address the core issues and questions of a student’s internship. View Internship Manual


Choose the correct syllabus associated with your STM internship. PASM 390, YTHM 390, and DISM 390

Student Appeals for Internships

If you would like to make an appeal to the STM Leadership team regarding the location of your internship, please complete this document.


The School of Theology & Ministry Peer Mentoring Program was an idea developed by President Mark Walker when he was the Vice President for Ministerial Development and chair of the Christian Ministries Department.  Dr. Walker’s desire was to see incoming STM students make a meaningful connection with their STM peers who recently journeyed where they are.

Mentor Next is a Peer Mentoring program designed to provide ongoing support to incoming School of Theology & Ministry students, both freshmen and transfer, by matching them with a peer mentor, also from the School of Theology & Ministry.  Peer mentors are trained and encouraged to make a quick connection with their mentees and to provide consistent spiritual encouragement, care and guidance.  Peer Mentors seek to accomplish this by building relationships through meeting, listening, praying, and answering questions.  Mentor Next is a 2-year program utilizing Freshmen/Sophomores as mentees and Juniors/Seniors as mentors.

For more information, contact the Mentor Next Coordinator, Dr. Lorinda Roberts

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