
Alumni Relations Hosts Supper Club

Alumni, Events, News

On Saturday, March 25, the Alumni Relations Office presented its annual Supper Club event. Designed to bring together local alumni and star faculty, this annual experience has become one of the most popular events on the Alumni Office calendar. “The basic idea is to have a great meal while enjoying a terrific lecture,” explains Patti Cawood, director of alumni relations. “Our Lee faculty are involved in so many incredible projects. I really want alumni to hear what is happening. And who doesn’t like good food?”

This year the event featured the adventures of biblical archeologist and Lee Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Dr. Brian Peterson. In 2013 Christianity Today named one of Peterson’s discoveries as the most important biblical archeological finds of the year. His Egyptian scarab was uncovered outside of Jerusalem in the Khirbet el-Maqatir, the proposed site of Ai as described in the Book of Joshua.

Tannis Duncan is pictured here with her husband, right, and grandson.

Lee alumnae Tannis Duncan (’63) described the evening, saying, “It was a privilege to hear Dr. Peterson share his exciting experiences on the West Bank. What a pleasure it was to see the Old Testament come alive in this setting.”

Peterson’s presentation included a pictorial overview of a basic archeological experience, illustrated using the progression of a 10-day dig that featured Lee students. During his talk, he explained how he blends faith and work, and how he uses archeological finds to illuminate biblical text. Throughout the night, Peterson answered questions from the gripped crowd.

“Dr. Peterson was a delight,” commented Ashlyn Poplin (‘16). “I’m grateful to the Alumni Relations team for such a warm event. It was an excellent evening.”

“The Alumni Supper Club dinner is a great opportunity to showcase the gifted Lee faculty,” said Cawood. “So many professors are experts in their fields, and this event gives us the opportunity to highlight their work outside of the university.”

Artifacts from Dr. Peterson’s digs.
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