
Hearn Panelist at Joint Mathematics Meeting


Lee University’s Dr. John Hearn, assistant professor of chemistry, recently presented on a panel at the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.

The panel Hearn served on consisted of five non-mathematics faculty members from different institutions who are working on an interdisciplinary project funded by the National Sciences Foundation (NSF). This project is titled “Synergistic Undergraduate Mathematics via Multi-Institutional Interdisciplinary Teaching Partnerships.” The project facilitates collaboration between mathematics faculty and non-mathematics faculty from disciplines that use mathematics. This collaboration seeks to improve curriculum, pedagogy, and student learning.

Dr. John Hearn

At the Joint Mathematics Meeting, the five panelists discussed the ways in which they were engaging in collaborative activities with mathematics faculty and their perceptions concerning the value that such collaboration adds to student learning. Additionally, the panel discussed ways in which such interdisciplinary collaboration might be accomplished more broadly.

In his work on this interdisciplinary project, Hearn has been collaborating with Dr. Caroline Maher-Boulis, professor of mathematics, on Lee’s college algebra courses. They have worked together to develop activities that show the application of algebra concepts in chemistry, biology, and health science.

Prior to coming to Lee, Hearn worked as a chemist at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Tyndall Air Force Base. Since joining Lee’s faculty in 2013, he has established an ongoing research program in which undergraduate students investigate thermodynamic and kinetic properties of chemicals for the purpose of modeling their fate in the natural environment. In addition to his research activities, Hearn teaches general chemistry and physical chemistry.

Hearn completed his doctoral degree at the University of Georgia and his bachelor’s degree at Asbury University.

The Joint Mathematics Meetings are hosted by the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).

Lee hosted MAA’s 98th annual meeting on the Lee campus earlier this month.

For more information on the Joint Mathematics Meetings, visit site.

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