
Hisey Earns PhD


Lee University Assistant Professor John Hisey recently earned
his PhD in Biology from The University of Memphis.

His dissertation,
titled, “Genetic and Demographic Patterns of the Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Across
Extended Spatio-temporal Scales,” discusses the genetic patterns in raccoons
across most of the U.S. and Canada, as well as demographic and genetic patterns
over 20 years at sites in southwestern Tennessee.

According to
Hisey, raccoons are abundant and raccoon rabies – the largest wildlife epidemic,
which can transmit to pets, livestock and humans – is moving westward from the
Atlantic states.

“Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each
year on controlling pest raccoons and rabies,” said Hisey. “The determination by
our study of the distance and frequency of raccoon movements increases the
ability to predict and control their habits, aiding in the control of this

Before joining the Lee faculty in 1996, Hisey taught
college courses for 10 years. Seven of those years were spent in China, as
professor and guest lecturer at several national and provincial institutions. 
At Lee, Hisey has taught General, Human and Plant Biology, Environmental
Science, Vertebrate Zoology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Principles of
Ecology, Special Topics, Research, and Professional Presentation.

Hisey was the founder and sponsor of the Ecology Club, is a sponsor of Beta
Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society and Missions Alive student service
club, and has led agricultural, aquacultural, and reforestation study and work
in Haiti. He currently serves as Chair of the Zoology Section at the Tennessee
Academy of Science.

Hisey also helped to found and direct an
internationally staffed system of private schools in four Chinese provinces and
was an area coordinator for University Language Services, an organization
placing instructors on Chinese campuses.

In 1990 and 1991, Hisey
received the Jilin Province Model Teacher Award.

Hisey earned his
master’s in Zoology from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s in Zoology
from the University of Washington.

He and his wife Lauren have one
son, Nathaniel.

For more information about the research that Hisey
conducted, or other research opportunities, contact Lee’s Department of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics at 423-614-8275.

PHOTO: Hisey
captures raccoons in live traps for his research.

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