
Hobbs Earns Doctorate

Academics, Faculty, News

By Eliza Souers

Dr. Pamela Hobbs, associate lecturer in health science at Lee University, recently earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota.

“Completing my DPT will allow me to bring rich, real-world experiences to my students at Lee who will be the next genera tion of health care providers,” said Hobbs. “As an educator, it is important for me to model the pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning for my students. This doctoral program bridged the gap between the knowledge and skills that I gained through my master’s degree program and current information and techniques.”

Following recommendations from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Hobbs completed her DPT in order to be up to date with current research and process and provide her students with the most modern knowledge and skills. Program outcomes follow APTA requirements, as graduates learn how to integrate evidence, learn about differential diagnosis and skills, and gain knowledge in clinically meaningful ways.

In addition to teaching courses at Lee, Hobbs is a volunteer Strengths Vocational Advisor through the university’s Center for Calling and Career and an academic advisor for students interested in pursuing health-related professions. Hobbs is also involved in the Summer Studies in Medical Missions Program and pursues research in health behavior and health promotion in the clinic and in the community.

Prior to joining Lee’s Department of Natural Sciences in 2015, Hobbs served as a clinical instructor for physical therapy students and has had numer ous positions in the physical therapy profession including serving on the faculty at the University of Alabama. She has worked at Emory University as a research specialist and has presented at national meetings.

Hobbs earned her Master of Public Health and her Master of Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and her Bachelor of Science from Middle Tennessee State University.



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