
Lawler Elected President of TATS 

Faculty, News

Dr. Racheal Lawler, assistant professor of Athletic Training at Lee University, was recently elected president of the Tennessee Athletic Trainers’ Society (TATS). 

“I am honored and humbled to lead our state and our profession to greater heights,” said Lawler. “We all know change is not easy, but I look forward to progressing our practice act, licensure, and membership involvement.”   

Lawler first started her work with TATS in 2019 by serving on the Ethics Committee. She also served as chair for the committee from 2020-2021. In 2021, she became a member of the Professional Education Committee, and then moved to the position of chair in 2022, which she held until her election as president.  

She will serve for three years as president, after which she will have the opportunity to run for re-election. 

As president of TATS, Lawler will lead approximately 1200 certified athletic trainers in the state of Tennessee, as well as monitor legislation and regulatory law changes. She will do this while continuing to educate on athletic training.  

She will also have a seat at the table for TATS regional district as a part of the executive board of Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association, which is directly connected to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. 

“The opportunities for the athletic trainers of Tennessee are limitless,” says Lawler. “I am happy to be able to have a small part in their successes.” 

Lawler joined Lee University as an assistant professor of Athletic Training and clinical education coordinator in 2018. She instructs graduate-level courses and supervises clinical rotations for students with more than 35 partnering agencies. She also facilitates injury evaluation clinics for faculty and staff each semester and collaborates with the School of Nursing on mass casualty drills to train and equip students.  

Prior to Lee, she acquired over 18 years of varied clinical experiences in athletic training, from minor league baseball and professional arena football to NCAA Division I and II head athletic trainer positions all across the United States. 

Lawler received her Doctor of Philosophy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, her Master of Science from University of Central Missouri, and her Bachelor of Science from Lambuth University. 

TATS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the profession of Athletic Training and sports medicine. TATS’ mission is to promote the advancement, encouragement, and improvement of athletic training in all its domains and to promote a better working relationship among those persons interested in the issues and concerns of athletic training. 

For more information about the Tennessee Athletic Trainers’ Society visit TNATA.

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