
Lyon to Speak on Women in Executive Leadership


Rev. Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church, will present a lecture titled, “Lean In: Women in Executive Leadership” at Lee University on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. in the School of Religion Jones Lecture Hall.

In addition to her position with the Wesleyan Church, Lyon is founder and president of World Hope International, a faith-based relief and development organization alleviating suffering and injustice in over 30 countries. She has written several articles and publications, including the book “Ultimate Blessing.”

Lyon has served over 30 years in pastoral ministry and been adjunct professor of Church and Society at Indiana Wesleyan University and Asbury Theological Seminary. She has received five honorary doctorates, holds a master’s degree in counseling, and completed additional graduate studies in historical theology.

Lyon serves on the board of directors at organizations including the NAE Executive Committee, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, the Christian Community Development Association, and the Association for Biblical Higher Education and serves as an ex-officio member for all Wesleyan institutions of higher education.

Prior to her lecture on the Lee campus, the Pentecostal Theological Seminary (PTS) will host Lyon during a special service held in Cross Chapel on Thursday morning. Following the service, Lyon will be featured in a luncheon dialogue.

For more information contact Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns at the PTS at (423) 478-1131.

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