Ollie J. Lee Symposium to take Place Tuesday

Lee University students will present their research at the Ollie J. Lee Symposium on Tuesday, April 19 at 6 p.m. in the Humanities Center on campus. The opening session will take place in Room 104.
Dr. Andrew Lee, professor of English and son of Dr. Ollie Lee, will speak at the opening session honoring the legacy of his father. His remarks will be followed by student presentations in the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology.
This year’s symposium will host over 70 students who will present on topics such as homelessness, pornography use, immigrations, job satisfaction, eating & body dysphasia behaviors, religious points of view of God, and women’s health.
“These issues are highly relevant in today’s culture,” said Dr. Bryan Poole, assistant professor of psychology. “Many of these students have worked tirelessly throughout the year to produce top-quality research that will be seen by hundreds of fellow students and faculty members in poster and symposium style sessions. My faculty colleagues and I are very proud of these students and cannot wait to see the results of their hard, brilliant work.”

The symposium was created to honor Ollie J. Lee for his many years of dedicated service. Dr. Carolyn Dirksen, director for the Center of Teaching Excellence, said of Dr. Lee, “Ollie Lee joined the faculty of Lee College in 1967, and in his 49 years of service, he has been one of the most significant architects of Lee’s institutional structure. Every faculty member and every student is touched everyday by Dr. Lee’s foundational work.”
The event is free and the public is invited to attend.
For more information, contact Lee’s Behavioral and Social Sciences Department at (423) 614-8125.