
Randi Vasquez Named 2012 Homecoming Queen


Randi Vasquez was crowned Lee University’s 2012 Homecoming Queen
on Saturday, Nov. 3, as a part of the weekend’s festivities.

Vasquez, daughter of Donna and John Vasquez, is a senior
advertising major from Macon, Ga. She is involved in many
activities throughout campus including being the lead student
photographer for the Office of Publications and is a member of
Epsilon Lambda Phi. Vasquez was escorted by Michael Tapp.

Tapp is the son of Serena Sarten and Gerald Tapp of Kingston,
Tenn.  He is majoring in psychology and is a member of Alpha
Gamma Chi and Sigma Nu Sigma.

Also representing the senior class were: Kelsey Black, escorted
by Caleb Cox; Rachel Cannon, escorted by Kevin Lawrence; and
Bethany Vance, escorted by Michael Sterns.

Black, daughter of Don and Teri Black, is a native of Franklin,
Tenn. She is a communication studies major, a member of Omega Alpha
Phi and Lamda Pi Eta, the communications honor society.

Cox is a resident assistant as well as a Kairos Scholar. He is
the son of Tim and Suzanne Cox, of Nashville, Tenn., and is a
business administration major.

Cannon is the daughter of John and Lori Jackson of St. Louis. At
Lee, Cannon is a Theology and Biblical studies major, is a member
of Convergence@Lee, and serves as a resident chaplain.

Lawrence is a history and classics major, a member of Phi Alpha
Theta and Kappa Lambda Iota. He is the son of Bob and Sheila
Lawrence and is originally from Atlanta.

Vance is the daughter of Bill and Kayelean Vance from
Bloomfield, Mo. Vance is a psychology major, the secretary of the
Student Leadership Council, and a member of Alpha Chi.

Sterns is a business administration major from Franklin, Tenn.
He is the son of Jon and Kitty Sterns. He is a member of Theta
Delta Kappa as well as Omega Alpha Phi.

The junior class was represented by Ashley Hale, escorted by
Ryan Hartman, and Diane Harmon, escorted by Drew Palmer.

Hale is a psychology major from Nashville, Tenn. Hartman is also
a psychology major from Delaware, Ohio. 

Harmon is from Johnson City, Tenn. and is majoring in English
literature. Palmer is a pre-physical therapy major from Maryville,

Representing the sophomore class was Caroline Campbell, escorted
by Chad Turner, and Rebecca Thomas, escorted by Connor Zehr.

Campbell is from Huntsville, Ala. and is majoring in
accounting.  Turner is a telecommunications major from
Nashville, Tenn. 

Thomas is from Murfreesboro, Tenn. and majoring in business
administration.  Zehr is an international business major from
Columbus, Ohio.  

Representing the freshman class was Nikita Engineer, escorted by
Caleb Wade, and Emmalee Manes, escorted by Andy Webb.

Engineer is from Houston and she is majoring in biology. 
Wade is from Scarborough, Maine.  He is a business
administration major.

Manes is from Dayton, Ohio.  Webb is an anthropology major
from Franklin, Tenn.

The 2012 Homecoming Court was presented during half time of the
Flames Basketball game on Saturday, Nov. 3.

PHOTO: (Courtesy of Mike Wesson) Tapp escorts Vaquez
after she was crowned Homecoming Queen on Nov. 3.


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