
Rymer Scholars Announced 

Admissions, News, Student Achievement
Rymer Scholars 2024

Lee University has awarded 11 incoming freshmen the 2024 Rymer Scholarship. Three Gold, four Silver, and four Bronze scholars were recognized for this award at the annual Rymer Scholars luncheon, held on Lee’s campus. 

The Rymer Foundation, established in 1989 by Hoyle Rymer and his father, Robert Rymer, awards the scholarship annually. The award honors exceptional achievement and encourages local high school students to continue their education in Cleveland. Since the scholarship’s inception, more than 200 students have earned the title “Rymer Scholar.” 

Eleven finalists from Bradley Central (BCHS), Cleveland (CHS), and Walker Valley High School (WVHS) were chosen for the 2024 awards. 

The Lee University President’s Office, along with the principals from all three high schools, appointed the selection committee. The committee reviewed the applications and conducted interviews with each finalist. Scholars were assessed based on their leadership in extracurricular, athletic, and church-based activities, high school rank, grade point average, college entrance exam scores, and the interview.   

This year’s Rymer Gold Scholars are Lyndi Chapman (WVHS), Shelby Stone (BCHS), and Joshua Whitaker (CHS). They will each receive a scholarship of $10,000. 

Chapman, daughter of Jay and Michelle Chapman, will graduate with a GPA of 4.0 and is undecided about her major. During high school, she has been involved in cross country, track and field, soccer, the Waterdogs Swim Team; and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). She has also been involved with the Hamilton-Bradley Composite Team and is a member of the National Honors Society (NHS) and the Student Government Association (SGA). 

Stone is the daughter of Jessica and Charlie Stone and has a GPA of 4.0. She has been involved in NHS and the National Beta Club. She has served on FCA leadership, as treasurer for Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), as a Link Crew leader, a Gear-Up leader, and on the yearbook committee. Stone is also on the volleyball team, is a Student Ambassador, and serves on the Student Council. She plans to pursue a major in biochemistry, pre-med. 

Whitaker, son of Michelle and Darrel Whitaker, plans to pursue a major in history with a 6-12 teacher licensure. He will graduate with a GPA of 4.0, is involved with Beta Club, and plays baseball. He serves on the media tech team at North Cleveland Church of God and has participated in community service through the Salvation Army, Walk for Life, and the Empty Stocking Fund. 

The 2023 Rymer Silver Scholars are Julia Bodnar (BCHS), Sarah Pritchard (CHS), Jacob Schalk (WVHS), and Addison Stevenson (BCHS). They will each receive a scholarship of $5,000. 

Bodnar, daughter of Tatyana and Peter Bodnar, is involved with Beta Club; Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America; French Club; Interact Club; and has served on the worship team at her church. She has a GPA of 4.0 and plans to major in psychology. 

Schalk, son of Mary and Darren Schalk, will graduate with a GPA of 3.89 and plans to major in digital media studies with a studio production emphasis. He runs for the cross country team and does track and field. He also serves on the audio/visual team for both school and church events. 

Stevenson is the daughter of Ritchie and Amy Stevenson and will graduate with a GPA of 4.0. She has served as the vice president and president of BCH’s student body, as well as class secretary, Student Council, and on the Central Office Student Advisory Team. Stevenson is also a member of NHS, HOSA, Link Crew, Educators Rising, and the Beta Club. She has served with Go. Love. Serve. and been involved with Dell Tech. She has also served as a member of Gear-Up leadership and Chamber of Commerce leadership. She plans to major in communications. 

Pritchard, daughter of Robert and Amanda Pritchard, has been involved with HOSA, Beta Club, NHS, Model United Nations, and has served on FCA leadership. Along with taking part in a clinical internship, senior capstone, art club, and show choir, Pritchard has served as a worship leader at her church and volunteered as an election worker during voting season. She plans to major in biochemistry with pre-professional emphasis. 

The Rymer Bronze Scholars are Chelsea Carroll (WVHS), Brady Fox (WVHS), Kristen Neal (CHS), and Zander Rawlings (BCHS). They will each receive a scholarship of $2,000. 

Carroll, daughter of Robert and Dara Carroll, will graduate with a 4.0 GPA and plans to major in exercise science with a pre-athletic training emphasis. Along with being a cheerleader, she has been involved in the Beta Club, HOSA, Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, FCA, Stang Gang, ATS: The Bridge, and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA). She has also served as NHS president, Science Honors Society president, and as secretary for SGA. 

Fox is the son of Chris and Ashley Fox. He has a GPA of 4.0 and has been involved with NHS, ATS: The Bridge, Science Bowl, and the Pickleball Club. He has served on the Beta Club leadership team and performed in marching, concert, and jazz bands, as well as Lee University Honor Choir, Church of God’s Teen Talent, and the Chattanooga Youth Symphony. He also volunteers at Westmore Church of God and plans to major in discipleship ministry. 

Neal, daughter of Justin and Robin Neal, has been involved in marching band, concert band, Chess Club, and Mu Alpha Theta Honors Society. She has served as vice president and president for the Beta Club and vice president for NHS, as well as FCA worship leader. She also serves at Westmore Church of God, has a GPA of 4.0, and plans to pursue a major in music and worship with a voice emphasis. 

Rawlings is the son of Thomas and Deanna Rawlings and will graduate with a GPA of 3.95. He plans to major in engineering science. He has been involved with the Beta Club, NHS, marching band, and Adopt-A-Student. Rawlings plays soccer and has been a part of the CFC Flames team. He serves at Heritage Fellowship Church of God.  

All monetary awards will be dispersed to the winners over a period of four years. 

For more information about the Rymer Scholarship, contact Lee’s Office of Admissions at [email protected] or (423) 614-8500. 


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