
Shenanigans to Present Three Shows Next Weekend

Events, News, Student Life

Lee University’s improvisation comedy group, Shenanigans, will perform its first three shows of the semester on Friday, Oct. 7, at 9 p.m., and Saturday, Oct. 8, at 8 and 10 p.m. All shows will take place in Rose Lecture Hall, located in Lee’s Helen DeVos College of Education.

“I believe that the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ holds true for those actually sick, as well as for college students who are in the middle of a stress-packed week,” said Garrett Wheeler, Shenanigans team coach. “Whether you dabble in the art of storytelling or are simply down for a late-night laugh, we invite everyone to join the fun at our shows!”

In past semesters, the group’s performances have drawn hundreds of audience attendees. While the improvised skits almost always contain comic elements, the stories often include drama and intrigue, as well.

This year’s members include Dursun Asik, Jordan Babb, Bethany Carroll, Shauna Drinnon, Anah Fickett, Ethan Hutchison, Smith Langstaff, Seth Palmer, Aaron Sills, David Steinmetz, and Wheeler.

Shenanigans started in 2007 as Lee’s first improv team. Skits are unscripted, featuring a set of various games that encourage the creativity of both actors and audience. A moderator may force team members to change the last spoken word on a whim, incorporate surprise quotes into their dialogue, or just radically change the scene, all in the interest of discovering new possibilities in even the simplest of scenes.

This family-friendly show is expected to last an hour and a half. Tickets are $1 and are available for purchase at the door. Doors will open 30 minutes before each show.

Shenanigans will also host a reunion show to celebrate the group’s 15th anniversary at this year’s Homecoming, taking place Nov. 4-5.

For more information, contact Wheeler at [email protected] and follow Shenanigans Improv on Instagram @leeshenanigans.

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