U-Church Promises a Great Season this Fall

Lee’s U-Church will once again offer an eclectic mix of Sunday evening
services this fall. Family Force 5 will be at Lee on Sept. 18, Ravi
Zacharias will join students and faculty Oct. 9, and Nov. 13 will wrap
up the fall semester chapels with An Evening of Worship.
Force 5 (FF5), performing Sept. 18, began as a family band in Atlanta
Ga., and since their first album release in 2006, has developed into a
prominent piece of the krunk rock scene. Boasting a gritty concoction of
mammoth beats, mouth-watering melodies, and explosive guitars, the
dance-derived, fashion-forward five-some from Atlanta have crafted an
impressive resume.
FF5 have received numerous awards including
Yahoo’s Who’s Next, MTVU’s Freshman Class, and the AP Reader’s Choice,
and they continue to create punk, rock, electronic, and dance fusion
that demands a party. They are currently on their fourth stint with the
Vans Warped Tour as one of the premiere independent bands in the world.
Oct. 9, Ravi Zacharias, a well-known Christian apologist, teacher,
author, and orator, will speak in Conn Center. He has spoken all over
the world and at numerous universities. He has addressed writers of the
peace accord in South Africa, the president’s cabinet and parliament in
Peru, military officers in Moscow, and leaders at the First Annual
Prayer Breakfast for African Leaders in Mozambique. He has had the
privilege of addressing the National Prayer Breakfasts in the seats of
government in Ottawa, Canada, and London, England, and speaking at the
CIA in Washington, DC.
He began Ravi Zacharias International
Ministries in 1984, an organization that supports apologetics
conferences and speakers, as well as two radio broadcast programs. His
weekly radio program, “Let My People Think,” is aired on more than 1700
outlets worldwide, and his weekday program, “Just Thinking,” on over
400. Zacharias has appeared on CNN, Fox, and other international
The student-led Evening of Worship on Nov. 13 gives
students the opportunity to worship corporately without the normal
chapel format. The night is entirely student-led with direction from Dr.
Brad Moffett, and students are selected by Moffett and Josh York,
Director of Facilities Management. Many of the students leading worship
have been involved with Chapel music in some capacity throughout the
U-Church is designed as a service for students, but alumni and friends from the community are always welcome.
For more information please contact Kristi Vanoy at [email protected] or 423-961-1823.