Student Conduct Community Covenant
The Community Covenant outlines the institution’s beliefs and provides lifestyle expectations for students at Lee University. It can be found in our Student Handbook on page 13. It’s also below for your reference.
Lee University is a Christ-centered community, dedicated to the highest standards of academic achievement, personal development, and spiritual growth. Together, the community seeks to honor Christ by integrating faith, learning, and living while its members’ hearts and lives mature in relationship to Jesus Christ and each other. Faith in God’s Word should lead to behavior displaying His authority in our lives. Scripture teaches that certain attributes such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are to be manifested by members of the Christ-centered community (Galatians 5:22-23).
With this purpose and spiritual foundation, students are expected to comply with these lifestyle standards:
- Community life at Lee University should be marked by personal stewardship of abilities and resources and sensitivity to the God-given worth and dignity of each individual. In consideration of each member of the university community having been created in God’s image as male and female, the university expects all members of this community to treat each other with respect and dignity regardless of any differences of belief and does not condone harassment of others.
- Corporate worship aids in community building and support of the body of Christ. We gather as a community at special times for nurture and instruction in the truths of God’s Word. These activities include required attendance at chapel and spiritual emphasis weeks. Personal devotions and local church involvement are encouraged.
- Scripture condemns such attitudes as greed, jealousy, pride, lust, needless anger, an unforgiving spirit, harassment, and prejudice. Furthermore, certain behaviors are expressly prohibited by scripture. These include theft, lying, cheating, plagiarism, gossip, slander, profanity, vulgarity, sexual immorality (e.g., pornography, premarital and extramarital sexual behavior, adultery, same-sex sexual behavior), drunkenness, gluttony, immodesty, and occult practices.
- Scripture teaches that all our actions (work, study, play) should be performed to the glory of God. We endeavor, therefore, to be selective in our choices of clothes, entertainment, and recreation, promoting those which strengthen the body of Christ and avoiding those which would diminish sensitivity to Christian responsibility or promote sensual attitudes or conduct.
- Since the body of the Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit, it deserves respect and preservation of its well-being. Therefore, the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco in any form and the abuse of prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs violate our community standard.
Office of Student Conduct
1120 North Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN
(423) 614-8410
[email protected]